Mansueboel Boerboels

Our philosophy is simple: we breed healthy, purposeful dogs. Many breeders have forgotten these basic traits that create a sustainable breed. With my mentor and friend of 5 years, Gregory Jones of Cariad Boerboels, I truly grasped the essence of being a Boerboel owner and now breeder, through numerous visits to his kennels. His insights on this magnificent breed have influenced me greatly.

Our dogs’ health test scores are lower than the Kennel Club average, and we’re committed to surpassing this standard with every breeding. We’re willing to invest in the best available tests, regardless of the breeder organization’s requirements. Our goal is to ensure that as a dog owner, you are satisfied not only with how we raise our dogs, but also with their potential to be with you for an extended period.

We started in 2023 after a thorough study in the Boerboel world. Our goal is to not only breed some of the best dogs in the world, but also to honor the legacy of this amazing breed. Whether you need a family companion or a dog for exercise, the Boerboel can do it all.

About Us

We are a team of passionate individuals dedicated to providing high-quality products and excellent customer service. Our mission is to make a positive impact on people’s lives by offering innovative solutions. We believe in transparency, honesty, and integrity in everything we do. Thank you for choosing us.

Mansueboel comes from two words: “Mansuetude” in old English, meaning gentle and tame, and the Dutch word “Boel,” which means large. Our dogs have the best temperament in the UK, and renowned breeders have praised their good temperament and conformation. “Boel” simply means large, representing the idea of a large dog. Mansueboel itself means a large dog that is gentle to the hand. We take no pride in having the biggest or toughest dogs. This is not for us, and it should not be for the breed as a whole.